Side Effects Of SARMs: The Key Research Takeaways

Test Tubes being filled

SARMs side effects are not well understood, with some sources claiming that SARMs are entirely safe. Learn the truth about the safety and side effects researchers are studying related to SARMs.

 Key Takeaways:

  • SARMs are investigational compounds that have been approved for research 
  • Interest in SARMs is expanding, and this is fuelling research
  • Preliminary research has demonstrated potential restorative benefits of SARMs

Research has also shown that SARMs have significant side effects that should be taken into consideration.

Interest in SARMs as anabolic compounds has surged significantly in the past decade. It's common to see SARMs products advertised online for research purposes, claiming benefits like muscle growth and fat loss in animal studies.

They have garnered considerable attention in medicine, though they have also been unfortunately marketed with false and illegal claims. This guide aims to demystify the truth about SARMs and reveal what research has uncovered about their side effects.

What Are SARMs?

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) are nonsteroidal compounds with anabolic properties due to their selective modulation of androgen receptors (ARs).

Although SARMs resemble natural ligands for ARs, like testosterone, they are not anabolic steroids. SARMs selectively bind to specific ARs, such as those in muscle and bone tissues, which helps minimise many of the unwanted side effects typically associated with anabolic steroids.

Are SARMs Legal?

SARMs are approved as investigational compounds, allowing researchers to study their potential for corrective use and performance enhancement in animal subjects.

However, the FDA has not approved SARMs as food supplements or medication, and they are not intended for human consumption, being strictly for research purposes. Additionally, SARMs are prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and are illegal for use in sports.

FDA Issues Warnings about SARMs

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued warning letters to companies marketing SARMs as dietary supplements.

The FDA cited SARMs’ side effects, including liver damage /toxicity and cardiovascular complications

Research Into SARMs Remains Ongoing

Research into selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) is ongoing. Previous studies highlighted their potential in treating muscle wasting disorders.

Recent research has expanded on this, revealing additional therapeutic benefits of SARMs. Preliminary studies suggest they may be effective in treating conditions such as breast cancer, hypogonadism, cancer-related cachexia, and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), among others.

The unique chemical properties of SARMs have sparked significant interest among scientists and researchers. However, further exploration is necessary to fully understand their safety profile and potential side effects. Preliminary evidence offers promising insights into these aspects.

What Are the Side Effects of SARMs? 

Natural ligands for androgen receptors, like testosterone, have been associated with unwanted side effects such as testicular atrophy, decreased libido, breast enlargement, prostate enlargement, infertility, and aggression, among others.

The selectivity of SARMs allows them to differentiate between cells, targeting specific receptors to minimise the activation of "spare" cells that could lead to adverse effects. However, SARMs are not devoid of side effects. Here are some potential adverse effects of SARMs based on preliminary research.

Testolone RAD-140 Side Effects

Testolone binds to ARs selectively. It may cause mild side effects such as headaches, back pain, fatigue, nausea, elevated hematocrit, reduction in natural testosterone levels in male mammals, and reduced libido.

Ibutamoren MK-677 Side Effects

Ibutamoren acts on the ghrelin receptor and boosts the level of growth hormone. Ibutamoren appears to be relatively safe, the most common side effect being an increased appetite that may last several months. It may also cause edema (water retention) in the extremities, increased blood pressure, insulin insensitivity, and muscle pain.

Ostarine MK-2866 Side Effects

Ostarine exerts its selective action on androgen receptors (ARs), which explains its effects on muscle tissue. However, at high doses, Ostarine may lower testosterone levels and lead to unwanted effects such as decreased libido, erectile dysfunction, and potential infertility.

Due to its popularity, Ostarine is widely available for sale on many websites. It is crucial to exercise diligence in ensuring its quality, especially with this compound. SARMs belong to a category of compounds that are often surrounded by uncertainty, and the internet is filled with false and exaggerated claims about them. As researchers delve deeper into SARMs, a clearer understanding of their true potential, safety profile, and side effects will gradually emerge.

Cardarine GW501516 Side Effects

Cardarine is a unique SARM that targets a group of receptors called PPAR (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors). Earlier studies in mice suggested a potential increased risk of various cancers associated with Cardarine. However, subsequent research has debunked this finding, with animal trials yielding different outcomes.

In a study involving Han Wistar rats lasting nearly two years, it's noteworthy that these rats typically have an average lifespan of about 30–36 months, often succumbing to cancer. When administered in moderate doses, Cardarine has demonstrated a relatively broad safety margin in mammals. Interestingly, in cases where Cardarine was given to animals with skin cancer (the most prevalent cancer in the U.S.), it actually slowed cancer progression.

Ligandrol LGD-4033 Side Effects

Ligandrol binds selectively to ARs. It has a comprehensive safety profile and rarely causes adverse effects when administered in moderate amounts to mammals. It may, however, suppress testosterone and cause undesirable effects such as acne, reduced bone density, low libido, and erectile dysfunction. 

YK-11 Myostatin Side Effects

YK 11, a potent SARM, is recognised for its potential to enhance muscle growth and performance. Research suggests it functions similarly to testosterone, targeting androgen receptors to stimulate muscle protein synthesis without typical steroid-related side effects.

However, studies indicate potential side effects of YK 11, including testosterone suppression, which may lead to symptoms like reduced libido and fatigue. Long-term safety and comprehensive effects of YK 11 are still being investigated.

The Future of SARMs Is Bright

The future of SARMs as corrective compounds is promising. Preliminary research is pointing towards numerous clinical possibilities that need further investigation. Here are key potential benefits that could strengthen conventional treatment for hard-to-treat conditions.

  • Liquid testolone may offer neuroprotective benefits for treating Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases in mammals.
  • Liquid stenabolic may increase endurance during exercise.
  • Liquid cardarine may increase endurance during exercise and promote muscle recovery and fat loss.
  • Ibutamoren may reverse muscle atrophy disease and increase lean muscle mass and bone density.
  • Ligandrol may increase lean muscle mass.
  • Ostarine may be helpful in building muscle mass and preventing cachexia (severe weight loss) in cancer patients.

Early research indicates that SARMs have broad applications in sports and clinical areas. Bear in mind that the use of SARMs is only open to researchers, and the FDA has not approved them for personal use.

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