What Does Andarine Do and How Does It Work?


Research is constantly being carried out on different chemical substances and compounds to explore their potential applications. Synthetic androgen receptor ligands, commonly known as selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), are one such group of compounds undergoing clinical trials.

The first SARM to be developed was Andarine. You may have come across the name before and might be asking yourself, "What exactly does Andarine do?" Keep reading to learn more about Andarine’s functions and its effects on the androgen receptor

What Is Andarine S4?

Andarine, known as a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), is an investigational compound that has not yet been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is currently listed on the FDA's dietary supplement advisory list and is also banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).

What Does Andarine S4 Do?

Research indicates that Andarine S4 is one of the most powerful research chemicals for fat loss, showing promising results in studies with mice and castrated male rats. Initially developed to address musculoskeletal conditions like muscle wasting and bone loss, particularly in diseases such as cancer and HIV, further research revealed its potential for reducing body fat. Additionally, studies reported significant increases in lean muscle mass when Andarine was paired with a proper diet and exercise routine.

How Does Andarine Work?

Recent studies show that Andarine is a non-steroidal SARM that binds to androgen receptors in muscle and bone. This interaction boosts protein synthesis, stimulates osteoblasts, reduces glucose absorption into cells, and promotes blood vessel growth. These processes contribute to rapid muscle growth without many of the negative side effects associated with steroids or other hormones.

Additionally, Andarine enhances bone strength and density. However, research suggests that to achieve these benefits, it must be used in conjunction with effective workout sessions

Andarine S4 for Research

Studies using Andarine in animal models have demonstrated several potential benefits:

  • Increased muscle mass and strength without the need for additional chemicals or hormones.
  • Enhanced bone density, which could be beneficial for diseases like osteoporosis that cause bone loss and muscle wasting.
  • Positive effects on muscle-wasting diseases such as cancer and AIDS.
  • Potential increases in power and strength, which are advantageous for research purposes.
  • Improved circulation due to an increase in blood vessels in fat tissue, potentially reducing cellulite.
  • Effective fat-burning properties.
  • Success in promoting fat loss, muscle growth, and overall body recomposition.

Why Choose Andarine S4 for SARM Research?

As one of the earliest developed SARMs, Andarine is widely regarded as one of the most effective for fat reduction while simultaneously promoting muscle growth. It enhances blood flow to the muscles and stimulates protein synthesis by binding to androgen receptors within muscle cells. Unlike anabolic steroids, Andarine is not associated with virilization or feminization.

Researchers are particularly interested in Andarine for its potential to reduce oxidative stress while accelerating fat-burning, as seen in animal models. Additionally, studies suggest Andarine could improve performance, endurance, and stamina.

Unlike traditional steroids, Andarine does not have progestogenic or estrogenic effects, making it a safer alternative for research on muscle development and fat loss.

Potential Downsides of Using Andarine for Research

Although considered safer than steroids for muscle gain, Andarine still carries risks and potential side effects. It is crucial to adhere to all warnings and take necessary precautions when conducting research with this compound

Andarine S4 Side Effects

Here are some potential side effects observed in test subjects using Andarine:

  • Gynecomastia: Andarine may increase prolactin levels, potentially leading to the development of gynecomastia (enlarged male breast tissue). Severe cases may also result in liver damage in certain individuals.
  • Cholesterol Imbalance: It can elevate LDL ("bad") cholesterol and reduce HDL ("good") cholesterol, raising the risk of cardiovascular issues, including heart disease and stroke.
  • Testosterone Suppression: Andarine may lower natural testosterone levels in males, potentially leading to hormonal imbalances.
  • Acne: Hormonal fluctuations caused by Andarine can trigger acne breakouts.
  • Dryness: Users may experience dry mouth and lips.
  • Mood Changes: It may lead to irritability and mood swings.
  • Vision Changes: A temporary yellow tint in vision and reduced night vision may occur, especially at high doses. Researchers consider this side effect to be benign.

Precautions and Warnings for Andarine

Andarine has been associated with liver damage and an increased risk of heart disease. Before considering any clinical research involving Andarine, it's important to consult a healthcare professional. Andarine is not approved by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), so caution should be exercised in athletic or competitive environments.

Individuals with certain health conditions, including pregnancy or breastfeeding, should avoid participating in Andarine-related trials

Chemical Interactions

The interactions between Andarine and other compounds remain largely unknown. As a result, researchers using Andarine should consult with a healthcare professional to assess any potential interactions with other medications or chemicals.

Health Warning for Andarine S4

Studies suggest that Andarine may pose significant health risks. It's important to note that Andarine is currently not approved by the FDA. For those involved in research trials, it is crucial to seek advice and guidance from a healthcare provider before proceeding

Where to Buy Andarine

Andarine is available for purchase online, but it's essential to buy from a reputable source and carefully review product labels. Ensure you understand the supplier’s shipping policies, third-party testing practices, and any money-back guarantees. Some websites offer free shipping in specific regions or for larger orders, along with discounts when subscribing with your email.

Andarine: Legal Status

While it is legal to buy and sell Andarine S-4 for research purposes, the FDA has not approved it for consumer use. The FDA advises against purchasing these products for personal use, as they are intended solely for researchers and scientists. Ensure that you purchase Andarine from a legitimate website selling original, third-party-tested research chemicals

Andarine vs. Ostarine

Ostarine is often compared to Andarine due to their similar effects, such as promoting lean muscle gain. However, they are distinct compounds, and one cannot fully replace the other.

For instance, Ostarine has more clinical studies backing its effects than Andarine and is approximately two to three times more potent per milligram administered. Andarine has a shorter half-life of about 4-6 hours compared to Ostarine.

Both SARMs have shown in studies to stimulate noticeable lean muscle mass growth. While they can be researched individually or together in studies, it’s crucial to be aware that combining them may lead to compounded side effects.


As the oldest SARM, Andarine is known for its potential to build lean muscle and burn fat, making it popular among researchers. However, it is currently only available as a research chemical, and participating in studies with Andarine should be done under the supervision of a healthcare professional


1. How long does Andarine stay in the system?

Andarine has a half-life of about 4-6 hours, meaning it clears the system relatively quickly compared to other SARMs. However, its effects may last longer depending on dosage and individual metabolism.

2. Can women use Andarine (S4)?

While Andarine is primarily researched for its effects on muscle growth and fat loss, women have been part of certain research settings. However, it is essential to remember that Andarine, like all SARMs, is not FDA-approved for human consumption and should only be used in controlled research environments.

3. Is Andarine safe?

Research suggests that Andarine is relatively safer than anabolic steroids, but it still carries potential risks, including liver damage and cardiovascular concerns. Andarine is not FDA-approved, so researchers should use caution

Scientific References:

Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator Treatment Improves Muscle Strength and Body Composition and Prevents Bone Loss in Orchidectomized Rats. Wenqing Gao, Peter J. Reiser, Christopher C. Coss, Mitch A. Phelps, Jeffrey D. Kearbey, Duane D. Miller, James T. Dalton Endocrinology, Volume 146, Issue 11, 1 November 2005, Pages 4887–4897

Novel pathway for the synthesis of arylpropionamide-derived selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) metabolites of andarine and ostarine. Katharina M. Schragl, Guro Forsdahl, Guenter Gmeiner, Valentin S. Enev, Peter Gaertner 

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